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Why a winter residential might be right for you...

Updated: Jan 17, 2019

Autumn Leaves
Autumn | Winter | Spring - An ideal time for a residential experience.

Don't miss out on some great short winter residential offers for primary schools here at Skern Lodge.

Autumn, winter and early spring are great times to get young people outdoors. Nothing develops resilience and independence better than a crisp morning and preparing to be working outdoors. Okay we know you may not want to spend too long in the surf, but our thick winter suits mean that you still can. Along with activities like rafting in our large inflatable rafts, taking to the water is still possible during those winter months. Even the dry activities are ideal for the winter. We have always liked activities where our guests are doing something nearly all the time, that's why our zip wire requires team members to pull you to the top. Why we like our guests to belay when climbing or attempting the high ropes. Doing is so much more fun than sitting.

One of the many benefits of a winter residential is that you still have plenty of time to utilise the learning gained and apply back into the classroom. We hear it all the time from teachers after they see little Johnny grow with confidence when they reach the top of the climbing tower. "That's amazing, I only wish we had given him this experience last year, we could have gained so much more this term". Just as Johnny is about to walk out the door and head off to Senior School.

It's not just year 6, what if you could take away your year 4 or 5 for a short break before they go on their week residential in year 6? What a great way to start that path to independence and of course even more time to gain the benefits from their experiences.

Don't forget we can even add in a focus on your current theme or topic, to link in with your curriculum. read more here

So the start of the blog mentions offers, so what are they I hear you cry. We are offering our short winter special from 5th November 2018 through to 1st March 2019.

2 Days 1 Night £74 + VAT per person

3 Days 2 Nights £115 + VAT per person

Arrival and departure times to suit your school day and travel.

Activity content throughout each day, and in the evening(s).

Bring a packed lunch on arrival day. Full board and accommodation provided thereafter.

Accompanying staff free on a 1:10 ratio.

Give us a call to find out more: 01237 475992 or arrange to visit.

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