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Activities at Skern Lodge mean a lot more than fun and adventure.


The Skern environment is ideal for developing children’s personal and social skills. Team building, problem solving and communication, combined with the range of exciting activities, gives young people the best experience they can have.  Add the residential aspect to this and their time spent living and working together enhances their development even further.  Skills not only valuable in the classroom, playground and on the sports field, but also in the workplace in the future. 

Skern Lodge - A place where children grow

Real Activities - Real Adventure

Our programmes at Skern Lodge provide a good mix of off-site and on-site activities, resulting in a quality outdoor education experience. 

Courses are tailored and designed around your requirements.


School Day Visits

Give us a call - we have lots of day options available.
Too far to come to us, we can come to you!


What do teachers say about Skern Lodge and what they and their pupils gained from their experience?

​There has been much research into the benefits of residential experiences for pupils and staff from both primary and secondary education. The results all show that a residential experience has a positive impact on young people and for many can be a life changing opportunity. 

see some of the benefits here

Children Playing Tug of War
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